Pomegranates Fruit

Pomegranates Fruit Pomegranates are round, red fruits. They feature a white inner flesh that’s packed with crunchy, juicy edible seeds called arils. They may be best known for the vibrantly colored juice they’re often used in, but these unique fruits have a lot more to offer. Growing Pomegranates Pomegranates grow naturally as a bushy shrub, but may be trained as a small tree growing 12 to15 feet high. Pomegranate plants have been known to survive for more than 200 years. Pomegranate plants need much care to grow up by watering well in the first few months, and frequently during the summer if the weather is particularly hot or dry. Also, using sufficient amount of mulch or rotted compost help the plants growing. In the winter, care should be taken to protect young pomegranate trees from frost and very cold temperatures...

amber dates

Amber dates or Amber Khajoor are one of the most famously kind of dates in the Middle East and also Amber Khajoor dates is one of the best types of khajur . amber kurma dates is a fleshy and soft fruit with a dry texture. Not to mention that kurma amber dates can be used as alternative of sugar because of their sweet taste. Amber Khajoor are well-known for their unique size, quality and health benefits for the body. Amber Dates are considered among the top variety of dates. They are a favorite premium kind of dates variety in Middle East. Where are Amber khajur produced in ? Ambar dates are produced in Al Madina, Saudi Arabia, and other countries in the middle east, but dates that come from Saudi Arabia are the best. What are the benefits of Amber khajoor ? Amber Khajoor is best described as bomb of Natural Nutrition. High in necessary...

Nutritional Value of Dates

Medjool Dates
Nutritional Value of Dates Dates are considered as big source of energy, you can git 157 kcal from just 50g of dates. dates contain more than 8 minerals, like Vitamin B6, Calcium, Copper and others we will list it on this article. You can get 30% of these minerals when eating 200 grams of dates. Date fruit rich in sugars, mainly fructose and glucose and has low fat and protein. The main vitamins in dates are vitamin B-complex and vitamin C. Comparing Between Dates Flesh and Dates Seeds by its Nutritional Value Comparison\Element Flesh of Dates Dates Seeds Oil 0.2-0.5% 7.7-9.7% Weight 94.4-85.8% 5.6-14.2% Fatty Acids 8 types 14 types Potassium 0.9% 0.5% Minerals in Dates That Make it the Best Food: Boron Calcium Cobalt Copper Fluorine (useful in protecting teeth against decay) ...